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Vient de paraître : "Beckett and French war propaganda: A new source for 'Waiting for Godot


Jean-Michel Gouvard, "Beckett and French war propaganda: A new source for Waiting for Godot", Journal of Romance Studies, 19.1, 2019, pp.1-22.


In this article, I demonstrate that the Second World War has had a stronger bearing on Waiting for Godot than has previously been suggested. I shall do so by focusing on the differences in terms of place names, stock phrases and puns in Beckett’s French and English versions of the play. Through analysis of new documentary evidence, I will show that the French Godot contains several allusions to Pétain’s ideology and Vichy propaganda which have remained unnoticed until now, and which has been erased in the translation process from French to English


Beckett, French Literature, Vichy, Modernism, World War II, propaganda.

N.B. I am not authorized to reproduce the article, but you could read it by following this link.

© 2017 Jean-Michel Gouvard. Editeur Wix

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