13 DECEMBER 2019
(09:30-09:45) Welcome
(09:45-11:00) Session 3
Chair: Jiani Fan (Princeton University)
Robert Krause (University of Freiburg)
‘On the Verge. The transformation of leisure into idleness in Baudelaire and Benjamin’
Sofia Cumming (University of East Anglia)
‘Walter Benjamin’s modern mythologies & the possibility of an awakened history’
Robert Pursche (University of Basel)
‘Archivists in the Library? How Benjamin’s 19th century survived through the catastrophic 20th century’
(11:00-11:15) Coffee break
(11:15-12:30) Parallel session 3
Panel 3A
Chair: Erik Granly Jensen (University of Southern Denmark)
Sara Giguère (University of Montréal)
‘Double or quits: ludification of the economy’
Fernando Araujo Del Lama (University of São Paulo)
‘Walter Benjamin’s phantasmagoria haunts the 21st century: social media and Trump/Bolsonaro elections in perspective’
Enrico Campo (University of Corsica)
‘Degradation of attention? A critical analysis through Walter Benjamin’
Panel 3B
Chair: Joseph Ford (Institute of Modern Languages Research)
Anna Crofts (Stockholm University)
‘Charged distance: The “as ifs” of romantic irony and Benjamin’s aura’
Christophe David (University of Rennes 2)
‘Thinking Utopia with Walter Benjamin and William Morris: Reflections on Utopia as a Standstill or Rest in the Wake of Miguel Abensour’
Joris Verheijen (Rotterdam Erasmus University)
‘Brushing Bildung against the Grain: Walter Benjamin and the German Tradition of Self-Cultivation’
(12:30-14:00) Lunch
(14:00-15:15) Keynote speaker 2
Marc Berdet (University of Brasilia)
‘Brasilia as a Capital of the 20th Century. A Benjaminian perspective on the modernist city’
(15:15-16:30) Parallel session 4
Panel 4A
Chair: Peter Zusi (University College London)
Fernando Augusto Bee Magalhães (University of Campinas)
‘Benjamin’s diagnoses of modernity’
Judith Bordes (Université Bordeaux-Montaigne)
‘Boredom and Erlebnis: paradoxical diagnoses on modernity?’
Mariana Pinto dos Santos (New University of Lisbon, Institute of Art History)
‘Dreaming the past: revisiting the concept of aura after Jacques Rancière’s critique of Walter Benjamin’
Panel 4B
Chair: Fernando Araujo Del Lama (University of São Paulo)
Tony Phelan (Keble College, Oxford)
‘Syncretism and substitution: overcoming 19th century literary history’
Karolina Jesien (University of Nottingham)
‘Innervation as Revolutionary Collective Expression. Walter Benjamin and the Body Politic’
(16:30-16:45) Coffee break
(16:45-17:45) Session 4
Chair: Jean-Michel Gouvard (University of Bordeaux Montaigne)
Clemens-Carl Härle (University of Siena)
‘Benjamin with Manet’
Gustavo Racy (University of Antwerp)
‘Promises of future, failures of the present. Thinking Walter Benjamin’s 19th century today through the works of two photographers of the epoch’